

Lenny’s Lessons

Choosing the Perfect Plan with Leaptel

Leaptel - Lenny's lesson 1

Choosing the ideal internet plan should be easy – but with so many options available, deciding can be daunting. If only there was a reliable way to find a plan designed for your needs …

It’s easier than you think. Think of your internet plan as a delicate balance between speed and cost. Choosing the perfect combination pays off.

Introducing Lenny, Leaptel’s Leapfrog, to explain!


Hi folks – Lenny at your service. I’m about to tell you the four most important considerations when you’re seeking the perfect internet plan for your needs. 

Consideration #1: Where do you live? 

This is your first port of call, because your location determines both your internet speed and your connection type. For example, NBN locations feature one of several connection types. Some are connected with FTTP (fibre to the premises, the fastest option), some are connected with HFC (hybrid fibre coaxial), and others are serviced by FTTN (fibre to the node). 

There are also selected locations with NBN alternatives; being Opticomm and LBNCo. (For more on those, skip ahead to Consideration #3…)  So the technology you can access determines the maximum speed achievable. 

That leads us to…   

Consideration #2: How much speed do you really need? 

To know this, you have to know exactly what you want your internet to do for you. It’s all about priorities. Are you a casual internet user, a regular streamer, or a high-stakes gamer? Either way, your lifestyle will (or should!) determine your optimal option. 

Consideration #3: Which Leaptel plan’s ideal for you? 

Leaptel has four plans available for NBN areas: Basic. Pronto. Accelerated. Full Throttle.

Our ‘Basic’ plan suits straight-down-the-line internet users seeking a rock-solid connection. At the top end, die-hard gamers and ravenous consumers of high-definition 4K video will crave our ‘Full Throttle’ plan.

Living outside an NBN-connected area?Don’t worry. You may be eligible for an Opticomm connection (a high-speed connection available in selected estates); an LBNCo connection (a private network for selected developments such as apartments and retirement villages); or an OPENetworks connection (a privately-owned high-speed provider to selected locations in Victoria, Queensland and NSW). 


Check out these brief pointers before leaping on board: 

  • Calculate how much data you use in a typical week or month. Do you need the highest-capacity plan?
  • High-definition video is bandwidth-ravenous –so consider a top-tier plan if that’s a priority. 
  • Audio streaming uses some data, but not nearly as much as video. 
  • More high-demand users will increase your household’s data usage.  
  • Freedom is vital – that’s why Leaptel provides a range of contract options including month-to-month.

Now, hop along … and choose your perfect plan!

Choosing The Perfect Plan With Leaptel